Sunday, March 13, 2005

Handsome powers for the cause of Good

Years have passed since I last operated a web log. Emails by the dozens have landed into my inbox, demanding that I create something new. They wanted me to create a place where I could express myself, unfettered by my nation's laws against stupidity and the asinine. I knew that in my mentally weakened state, I could not undertake this mission alone.

The concept is simple: Assemble a writing team of the most handsome men in the four corners of the world, nay, the universe. Together, we would use our good-looks and witty banter to save bored websurfers from having to read the blogs of the ugly, lame, impoverished, and decrepit.

The first invitations go out tonight. You should bookmark this page now, before it becomes so popular that we cause the melting of each and every server that Google can provide.


At 9:38 p.m., Blogger Wino McHackenpuke said...

Ed, I've got to tell you, this sounds like a great idea! Count me in! *High five*

At 12:43 p.m., Blogger Wardo said...

Okay, everybody get out their rings. Ready? Handsome Powers...Unite!




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