Friday, November 04, 2005

Ed's Day Off

"Sorry to scare you like that man," Ed says the next day. "Work was really getting me down, and I needed a day off. Did my boss believe your story?" He's whole, sitting on his couch in his Man-United t-shirt.

"Hell yes. People were freaking out. Why didn't you just call in sick?"

Ed sniffs, looking out the window. He's rested - he slept in. "I thought this would be more believable. The 'mental health day' story doesn't cut it. It had to seem real. Don't worry about work, they'll forget about it by Monday. The lemmings at work have the attention spans...uh, of lemmings."

"Well, it sure looked real to me."

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"Oh yeah?" he laughs. "I had all these leftover pumpkins from's not like I was going to eat them. What a useless fruit, or whatever the hell they are. Imagine, growing those things all year just so some kid can throw them at cars! What a waste. Anyway, it took me about four hours to paint it up to look like my head. Good thing I have a giant, pumpkin-shaped head! Did it hurt when you fainted?"

"Naw, I landed on your dirty laundry here. What are you going to do now?"

Ed smiles. "I think I'll sit around again today and have some more hot cocoa. Sweet, sweet cocoa. An exploding head merits a four-day weekend, don't you think?"

"Fucking-A, it does."

He tents his fingers. "Goooood. Good. I rented the Family Guy movie. Let's chill, man. I even have some oven-roasted pumpkin seeds to eat. Or as I like to call them, 'jack o'lantern lobotomy offal.'"

"Uh - I think I'll pass on those. I think they've been spoiled for me for good."

"Don't be a pussy."


At 12:44 p.m., Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Yes! We're back! Congratulations to Ed on faking a second death. I thought I killed him myself the first time. I guess that was just another vegetable.

At 1:13 p.m., Blogger Chris W. McCarty said...

"Did it hurt when you fainted"

Love it.

At 6:20 p.m., Blogger alex said...

What's all this about? he demanded, roughly.. From this court a stairway leads down into a shaft, the walls of which are softly upholstered something like a leather pocketbook...

At 6:59 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you ever coming back?


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